The highly successful Frontier Park with its mixed use frontage and hotel, Hampton by Hilton, is now moving into the final phase of construction with 500,000 sq ft under construction in units from 30,000 sq ft – 150,000 sq ft.


Frontier Park is located at the boundary of Hyndburn BC and Blackburn with Darwen BC with a combined economically active population of 107,000 and a further 155,000 in the East Lancashire region.

Frontier Park is in a prime location within an easy commute of Preston, Leeds & Manchester.
(source: ONS)

The Economically Active North West population is 3,544,000 of which Blackburn has 100,750
(source: NOMIS)

Frontier Park is located within
the East Lancashire region which has a working age population of
262,000 people.

(source: ONS)

4,000 people work in the logistics and distribution sector.
(source: ONS)

The average salary for a
warehouse operative is
£17,000 per annum.
(source: ONS)

25.6% of the population of
Blackburn are qualified with NVQ 4 and above.

(source: NOMIS)

Average weekly pay in the
Blackburn area is £469.45.

(source: ONS)

16,000 people work in the manufacturing sector.
(source: ONS)


Frontier Park is located two miles east of Blackburn centre and immediately adjacent to Junction 6, M65, with direct access to Whitebirk Roundabout and Whitebirk Drive, the town’s premier employment area.

The M65 is the primary economic corridor through East Lancashire linking Blackburn with the M6 and M61 at Bamber Bridge to the south of Preston some 11 miles distant and to Burnley, 10 miles to the east. The M66 is approximately 11 miles away via the M65 and A56. This provides excellent access to M60/M62, and the Greater Manchester conurbation.


Frontier Park


Units are available on a leasehold basis, please contact the joint letting agents for further information.

Steve Johnson

Caroline James


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